Most of us use vegetable oils in all of our cooking, especially those which are hydrogenated oils. Whilst we may be happily dousing our healthy food in these oils, we could be increasing our risk of cancer. The oils can influence the structure and flexibility of our cell membranes, even causing genetic mutations, which we know is linked to cancer. A lot of processed foods are also covered in vegetable oils in order to keep them fresh, so you’re not safe with those ready meals either. Vegetable oils also contain high levels of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are definitely not as good for you as their healthier cousin; Omega-3. In fact, these fatty acids have been linked to a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Try to avoid vegetable oils where possible and opt for healthier versions, even olive oil, when you can. Also avoid processed foods containing hydrogenated oils.
What?! Fruit is supposedly healthy, so how can it cause cancer? Well, actually, unless you buy organic fruit then you could be damaging your health more than you realize. Fruit that isn’t organic is generally doused in a ton of pesticides and high nitrogen fertilizers, which are toxic to humans as well as pests. Atrazine is a commonly used pesticide which has been banned in some countries, but is still being used in places such as the US. Research has shown that pregnant women consuming this chemical had babies with reduced body weights; which just goes to prove how dangerous the chemical can be. All the chemicals and hormones used to make fruit and veggies bigger, are also pretty dangerous for your health. By ingesting so many toxins you could easily be increasing your chances of contracting cancer. Avoid the cheap fruit and veggies in your local store and go organic instead.
You know that pretty pink look that processed meat has? Well, that is actually caused by a chemical and isn’t the natural color of the meat at all. In fact, all processed meats contain a whole host of chemicals and preservatives, which could be linked to cancer. In a 13 year study researchers found that those who consumed 160g or more of processed meat increased their risk of early death by up to 44%. However, those who eat less than 20g had much of a lesser risk within a 12 year period. The study was carried out in 10 European countries, with thousands of people taking part for the full 13 years. One of the biggest killers in processed meats, however, is the sodium nitrate which we know is packed with carcinogens. Smoked meat is the worst, as it will also pick up tar which can be as dangerous as consuming it through smoking cigarettes.
Just like in the case of the dangerous fruit and vegetables, here is another healthy food that has been spoiled by chemicals. Over 60% of the salmon eaten in the US has been farmed raised and this means it is packed full of chemicals and pesticides; in fact, you may also be eating some of the antibiotics they feed the fish. As farm raised salmon are also crammed into small spaces, they are also riddled with sea lice. Yum! As farm raised salmon are fed chicken litter, they are force fed chemicals to help turn their meat the pink you’re used to seeing. However, those chemicals could be causing cancer in people from around the world so be wary. We would suggest finding wild salmon where possible, even if it is a bit more expensive. After all, can you really put a price on your life? And, wild salmon tastes a million times better, too.
We’ve heard time and time again that white flour isn’t very good for us, but do you know just how bad it can be? Flour that has been highly processed and bleach can actually be causing a large number of cancer cases, and it is important to avoid it where possible. Most flour mills use chlorine gas in order to bleach their flour, which has been classed as a dangerous irritant by the EPA. In fact, they say that large quantities of chlorine gas can be lethal in itself. When a mill refines the grains in white flour it is also taking away all of the goodness that can be found in the natural grain. As tumors generally feed on any sugars in your bloodstream, you could be making something worse by gorging on white flour. If you want to stay healthy and prevent cancer, then you should opt for wholemeal flour instead. This includes wholemeal grains such as bread, pasta and rice.
It isn’t so much about what food is in your can that is the problem, more about what the can is lined with. Many people used tinned tomatoes, beans, vegetables and even fruits on a daily basis, which could be putting their health at risk. The inside of most cans of food contain a chemical called BPA, which has been tested on and deemed quite unsafe. A recent study went on to prove that it can actually impact genes, which is one of the main causes of cancer (gene mutations). Even the FDA are unhappy about the BPA situation, so we’re likely to see some changes made soon. Tinned tomatoes are the worst offenders due to high levels of acidity in the product. This can cause BPA to melt into the tomatoes themselves, meaning you’re ingesting a high quantity of chemical. Look for tins that say no BPA or just buy everything fresh instead.
Microwave Popcorn
Refined sugar
These are some of the most snacked upon foods in the world, but they also could be filled with carcinogens. The process of making potato chips involves them being fried in excessively high temperatures, which then leads them to create a chemical called acrylamide; which is known for causing cancer. If you add that to the high level of fat, trans fat, sodium and calories, then you’re looking at a recipe for disaster. Those who are overweight (by snacking on too many potato chips) also put themselves at risk of other illnesses, including diabetes. Why not make your own potato chips at home? Alternatively, try baking up some curly kale and enjoy this extra crispy (and healthy) snack instead. You can also bake tortilla wraps in the oven for your very own, home baked, tortilla chips. There’s plenty of ways to avoid dangerous packets of potato chips, so give it a go.
Artificial Sweeteners
Diet Food
Must read:10 Cancer Causing Foods You Eat Every Day
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